EN | HU | RO

Interview with the Earth - Sociodrama, Arts and Ecopsychology in action against climate change

The general objective of our project is that through our community programs to sensitize, make aware and develop a responsible attitude and sustainable behavior towards the environment and climate change influencing factors, among the group of peoples we are working with.

One of our most important missions is to rebuild relationship with the Earth, Nature and Community.
We aim to make climate-friendly choices a matter of course.

To achieve this we aim to develop a complex sensitization and awareness program using Sociodrama, Ecopsychology, Arts and Playback-theatre that through a change of attitude to Nature , can be used effectively in adult education in the field of environmental awareness and fight against and climate change.

To achieve the objectives of the project, the following activities will be carried out:

  1. Learning Activities for partner associations Playback Theatre Groups
    Each partners will ran a 3-day-long (30hour) international training
    The beneficiaries of the training are the staff of the 2 associations in the partnership (16 persons), who gained new skills what make them able to hold environmental awareness programs.
    The training will use complex theoretical and practical approaches across sociodrama, ecopsychology, playback theatre and arts.
  2. „ Interview with the Earth ” integrated and interactive event
    Each partner will hold an open 3 day long event by which participants, through their own experiences, will experience the importance of connecting with the world beyond humans, and they will be sensitized to the importance of environmental awareness and responsible connection with nature.
    We are preparing to organize the event involving participants into a creative interactive process in which they can experiment the methods on which we built out future "Interview with the Earth" environmental sensitization and averseness events, that help to reduce our individual ecological footprint.
  3. Professional supervision for the staff of the partners(16 persons) to raise awareness and fix the learned competencies, which strengthens their professional personality.
    1 day for both associations