EN | HU | RO

Interview with the Earth - Sociodrama, Arts and Ecopsychology in action against climate change

We have initiated this project to change the way our communities relate to nature, and to shift from a human-centred approach to recognising humanity as an integral part of the natural world.

The project addresses the need for an effective response to the natural crisis, which is as much a human crisis as a natural one. As active community developers, at the level of our partner associations, there was a need to be able to react effectively to what is happening in our environment and to have a tool to do so.

Knowing the effectiveness of partners Playback Theatre Companies, in raising social awareness through community events, we aimed to extend their reach to nature-related issues. By combining these community events with nature conservation and climate crisis issues, we seek to increase understanding and action towards nature through social context awareness and emotional engagement. This approach is encapsulated in our "I see, I feel, I understand, I am aware, I take responsibility and I take action" philosophy.

This project represents not just an awareness campaign but a call to action, inspiring communities to recognize and act upon their role in shaping a healthier planet.

Our project's overarching goal was to cultivate awareness, develop responsible attitudes, and promote sustainable behaviors towards environmental conservation and factors influencing climate change. We designed this to be achieved through an integrativ program based on Sociodrama, Ecopsychology, Arts, and Playback Theatre, aimed at fostering a transformative change in how adults perceive and interact with nature.

Primary Objectives

  1. Integrative Nature sensitisation programme development: we aimed to develop a complex and interactive program that educates and strengthens emotional connections with nature.
  2. Training and empowering partner association’s staff: focusing on equipping staff members with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively implement the programme we have developed, as stand-alone community events or integrated into their work as part of their day-to-day activities.
  3. Empowering Playback Theatre Companies: specific technical development of Playback Theatre Companies to facilitate events focusing on reconnecting with nature, and enabling them to actively participate in performances and events focused on raising environmental awareness.

The activities implemented in the project included:

Project Management: included project meetings, monitoring activities, financial oversight, and tracking performance indicators.
Education Program Development: an integrated, interactive adult education program, incorporating sociodrama, ecopsychology, landart and playback-theatre elements focusing on environmental awareness and sensitization.

Learning Activities: hosting 2*30h training sessions for 16 staff members from the partner associations, enhancing their skills in environmental programs.

Multiplication Events: "Interview with the Earth": 2*3day long events for 60 participants, focusing on the importance of connecting with nature.

Professional Supervision: 2*8h professional supervision sessions for the staff to reinforce learned competencies and strengthen their professional capabilities.

Multiplication campaign: hybrid event. It featured scientific presentations, PT performances, and a methodological workshop on PT, designed to integrate and demonstrate the project's innovative approaches to environmental education and nature conservation
Dissemination: sharing information about the project and its activities was disseminated through a dedicated website, Fb, Instagram.

Outputs and Results:

  1. A comprehensive education program that integrates Sociodrama, Ecopsychology, Land Art, and Playback Theatre for environmental awareness, as detailed in our 60-hour Training program curriculum.
    Link: IWE-Training-curriculum-3.pdf
  2. 60-hour training sessions for 16 staff members, enhancing their skills to deliver environmental protection and awareness programmes.
    Photo: LTTA RO 2022 | LTTA HU 2023
  3. Training manual- description of the 6o hour training.
    Link: IWE-Training-manual.pdf
  4. 2*3-day "Interview with the Earth" event, with 60 participants, during which we ran 12 workshops and 4 Playback Theatre performances, focusing on the relationship with nature.
    Photo: Multi RO 2022 | Multi HU 2023
  5. 16-hour professional supervision sessions, attended by 16 participants, to reinforce and strengthen staff competencies in holding workshops on nature-related topics.
  6. 3-day hybrid multiplication campaign, during which 2 science lectures, an 8-hour Playback Theatre methodological ws and a Playback Theatre performance were delivered to 3o participants.
    Photo: Hybrid Multiplication campagne RO 2023
  7.  Methodological and user booklet.
    Link: IWE-methodological-and-usre-booklet.pdf
  8. A film documenting the training's impact and participant experiences.
    Link: https://youtu.be/xuf6KOGHBe4?si=p6__8InLuikEO7NY
  9. A Diaporama presenting the project's various aspects.
    Link: https://youtu.be/AF_oo6HBElg?si=c4RuxtprqwXKorU-
  10. Dedicated project website www.actecosocioart.eu
  11. Dedicated project Facebook page „Interview with the Earth- Erasmus + KA2 project”
    Link: https://www.facebook.com/IntEarth

Impact Analysis: Transforming Individuals, Organizations, and Communities

The participation in the project significantly contributed to the development of the involved organizations by enhancing their capabilities in environmental advocacy and community engagement. Key areas of impact:

Development of organizations: The project fostered staff development and enhanced cooperation within organizations. By focusing on both individual competency development and team collaboration, leds to increased trust, cohesion, and commitment to common goals. This improvement in team dynamics and skills is a fundamental factor for the long-term development of the organizations.

Organizations enhanced their ability to effectively respond to environmental challenges, leveraging the skills and cooperation developed through the project. The project culminated in the creation of the "Interview with the Earth" program, a ready-made, effective tool for continuing environment-conscious programs. The implementation of the "Interview with the Earth" program, as a continuous environmental consciousness initiative, is a testament to development.

The knowledge capital gained from the project is enabling organizations to innovate new methods and operating protocols, enhancing their overall operational efficiency and impact.

Organizations are incorporating the acquired knowledge into their activities, offering new products and services, which allows them to reach new target groups and supports their operation.

Impact on participants: Individual competency development and team collaboration improvement were key outcomes. Participants' experiences in the project fostered a deeper understanding and commitment to environmental issues, both personally and professionally.

Participants experienced an increase in competence and knowledge, particularly in organizing Playback Theatre events centered on environmental awareness. They developed skills in working with groups and integrating methods like Ecopsychology based participatory walks, Land Art, and Sociodrama into Playback Theatre events. This led to the development of professional skills and a more environmentally conscious presence in both personal and organizational life.

Impact on target groups and stakeholders: The project extended its influence beyond the participating organizations, impacting communities and stakeholders through educational and awareness-raising activities. The project's methodologies and learning experiences were adopted by professionals in their respective communities, impacting schools, kindergartens, mental health programs, and community theatre events.

This widespread application demonstrates the project's effectiveness in fostering environmental awareness and engagement at a community level.
In conclusion, the project successfully instilled a sense of responsibility and proactive approach towards environmental issues among the participants, leading to positive changes at individual, organizational, and community levels.

Link: Participants feedback